👋 AI-powered chat

Elevate your customer experience with Startop.

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Currently working with 100+ companies

Omni-channel support

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Advanced functionalities

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Analytics and reporting

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Multilingual support

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Startop: the modern way to communicate.

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Make connections that matter with AI chat.

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Common questions?

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What is an AI chat app?

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How does your AI chat app work?

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How accurate is your AI chatbot?

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Fit your business goals

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Basic plan


Basic AI chatbot features
Up to 10K monthly chat interactions
Email support
Standard integrations

Pro Plan


Advanced AI chatbot features
Up to 50K monthly chat interactions
Priority email and chat support
Advanced integrations

Enterprise plan


Premium AI chatbot features
Unlimited monthly chat interactions
24/7 priority email, chat, and phone support
Enterprise-level integrations


Download the application

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Signup / login

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Search for a friend

Comfort reached gay perhaps chamber his six detract besides add. Moonlight newspaper up its enjoyment agreeable depending.


Start chatting

Demesne far hearted suppose venture excited see had has. Dependent on so extremely delivered by.

Our clients review

The AI startop has allowed us to scale our customer support efforts without sacrificing quality.


Customer Experience Manager

Our customers love how quickly the startop can answer their questions - it's been a game changer for us!


Operations Manager
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